Welcome Povazska Educational Center in Považska Bystrica

Považská Bystrica



Povazska Educational Center in Považska Bystrica

Category: Center for edification

Považská Bystrica, Slovensko

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You can find representation of each artistic creation in the Považské osvetové stredisko. They entertain their gates with varied activities that each of you can involve. Discover the soul of the artist and join us.

Space for cultural enthusiasts

You do not have to be a respected cultural artist or professional. Everybody gets the opportunity here. Just enthusiasm. Engage with your creations and talents in various exhibitions and competitions. The resort's footprint is really amazing. It is able to connect different pieces and areas of culture to create a platform for the development of unique artistic talents. In the field of literary creation, he offers the author a helping hand in education and presentation, as an intermediary in communication between authors, clubs and organizers of literary events. The Center itself announces an amateur literary contest for the prize of Dominika Tatarka.

From every cup a little bit

The space also receives art, photography and film or music. Strong is also a loyal tradition. Play can be played by adults and children in different theater genres. The center really goes deep and gives the opportunity to shine through an alternative way of grasping theatrical art. The Center focuses on the development of traditional folk culture values ​​through folklore groups, ensembles and soloists.

If you are artistic soul spirit and you do not know how to engage in cultural life, do not hesitate and join us.

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Daniela Čižmárová daniela.cizmarova@pospb.sk


Address Ulica slovenských partizánov 1132/ 52
017 01 Považská Bystrica

30. 01. 2025 14:00 - 16. 03. 2025 18:30

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21. 03. 2025 18:00 - 21. 03. 2025 20:45

Trenčín, Slovensko


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