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Collectors, pay attention

Matúš Čák appeared on a special euro banknote with a zero value. Its release took place on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the death of the most famous owner of Trenčín Castle. In addition to it, the commemorative banknote also depicts the appearance of a castle from the time of "Mr. Váh and the Tatras".

His likeness has been known to generations, but few people know that his portrait is fictitious and not the real face of Matúš Čák. "It was not modern to have portraits at that time. At most, there were frescoes or paintings in the chronicles. Portraits did not become popular until the time of Sigismund of Luxembourg. That is why no original portrait of Matúš Čák has been preserved, and subsequent generations have never known his likeness. Still, people wanted to know and see what he looked like, so they took every opportunity to paint it. They drew on a bust that was rumored to be his face. Based on this, they created the portrait itself. However, the relic depicts a saint who lived in the same period as our most famous ruler, "describes the history of the (un) portrait of Vladimír Pinďák from the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín. The historian also explained the baldness on Čák's head. The bust according to which he was portrayed did not have the upper part of his head. And so they drew him bald. However, he adds with one breath that historical sources mention Matúš Čák, in his fifties, as a man without hair, and they even state that he was crooked on one leg.

A euro banknote with Trenčín Castle and its most famous owner is on sale together with a ticket for a tour of the castle. It can only be bought on the spot and the revenue from its sale will be used by the Trenčín Museum for the reconstruction and maintenance of its buildings.

photo: Trenčín Museum in Trenčín

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