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from different corners of our region.



light rain

Footprints of shoes and leather

The valley of the middle stream of Nitra, which surrounds the Vtáčnik Mountains, Strážovská Hornatina, Povazsky Inovec and Tribeč - so we could geographically allocate the region of central Ponitria. It includes the districts of Partizánske and Topoľčany. Within our region is also the area of ​​Pobebravia, the surroundings of Bánoviec nad Bebravou.

Bánovce was known as a city of chaffers, chimmars, tailors and weavers. Bošany, a village in the district of Partizánske, again connects most of the people with the garbage. In the mid-19th century, entrepreneur Adolf Schmitt founded the factory in the mid-19th century, and after a while he recognized leather products from Bošian people all over the world. To date, the production of leather in the village is devoted to several private companies.

Perhaps the most famous product in this area was during the last Partizanski shoe mode. A solid foundation of this industry was built by the Bata family. However, the first plans were for machine production - a bicycle and shoe manufacturing factory originally had to be built in Šimonovany. Jan Antonín Bata subsequently dropped his intention and decided to produce footwear. The first pair of shoes were produced on July 15, 1939. By the end of the year, 940-thousand pairs had been produced there.

Bata's races were later nationalized and renamed the Races on August 29. However, boots continued to grow in the city, with nearly 1,000 new employees each year, and the number of manufactured shoes ranged to tens of millions. After privatization in the 1990s, footwear production in Partizánsky has fallen, but it has not completely disappeared - several companies are still active in this sphere.

Excursions to this region will delight especially those who like old churches, mansions or former mansions. You can find some of them in the middle Ponitria - there is a Renaissance mansion in Brodzanoch (today the headquarters of the Slavic Museum of Alexandr Sergejevich Pushkin) with its adjacent park, the Babylon summerhouse, the triple of mansions in Klatovy Nová Ves, the Šumonovany Water Castle and the ruins of Uhrovec Castle. The region was even - at least according to the records - a gold mine, in the village with the distinctive name Zlatníky. It is mentioned in the donation charter from 1389. About a century later, however, in another documentary note, Goldsmiths have long been a source of great wealth.

The much greater wealth of the middle Ponitrie hides today in the personalities that were born or worked here. In Uhrov, Alexander Dubcek came to the world of Ľudovít Štúr. From the literary talents, the Brodzian native Vladimir Reisel or Valentin Beniak, with whom the Chynorans are joined, are again presided over. Vincent Molnár, a teacher of the Peštiansky Institute for the Blind who invented the blind map, also came from this village. The Boşans are linked with the name of Ján Chryzostom Korca, the Cardinal and the Emperor Bishop of Nitra. The Garbiarska village was his birthplace, and in 1990, the cemetery was praised with the Mother Teresa Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

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