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heavy rain

A cottage, of which there are few in Slovakia

There has been a cottage on the top of Baske for more than 80 years, which has won the hearts of many tourists. In the past it was named Ľudovít Štúr, today it is the home stand of the Club of Slovak Tourists (KST) in Trenčianske Teplice. It offers a real chat room atmosphere to those who visit it.

Cottage Baske was ceremoniously opened in October 1936, at that time it was still called Štúr's cottage of the Ski-Club Trenčianske Teplice in Veterné holy. During the war, it was used by German soldiers, after their departure it was devastated and they had to be reconstructed. "Currently, it plays the role of a tourist shelter, where tourists can warm up or sleep here," explained the chairman of KST Trenčianske Teplice Maroš Greguš. However, visitors must be prepared for the fact that there is no electricity or water in the cottage. In the past, it was even sought after by dowsers and enthusiasts dug a 15-meter well, but to no avail. On the other hand, thanks to this, the whole place has a unique charm. "There are very few such cottages in Slovakia today, especially on the ridge of the Strážovské hills," said Greguš.

In the past, there was a lookout tower near the cottage, according to period photographs, it grew up in Basque even earlier than the building itself. However, it no longer exists today. One of the tourists' plans is to build it again, but cooperation and financial assistance will be needed. "We are still counting on this project. It would certainly attract even more tourists to this beautiful nature of the Strážovské vrchy, “Greguš thinks. They come here all year round, the most sought-after event is the February Winter Meeting of Tourists in the Trenčín Region, which has been held 45 times this year. It is regularly attended by 600 to 800 lovers of winter tourism.

photo: Simon Kiac

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