welcomein Trenčín Region

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from different corners of our region.




Number of results: 851

The Trenčianska Vrchárska koruna project will be carried by 20 mountains and valleys worth seeing

Since the drop in the saddle of the bicycle today almost half of cyclists did not discourage the cold and rainy weather. On Sunday afternoon, they…

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Salaš in the center of Považská Bystrica

⇥⇥ On Friday, April 8, the center of Považská Bystrica changed to Salaš. From 10.00 am there was a sheep at the Town Hall, a wave was cut, and…

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Students brought more than 500 earthworms from the underground underground

Regional Tourism Organization The Trenčín Region, in cooperation with the Slovak Underground and the Secondary School in Nové Mesto nad Váhom,…

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