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Young cyclists graduated from time to Trenčiansky castle

On the occasion of the Slovak Cup in Road Cycling, the time period for cyclists of two youth categories was transferred by the historical center of Trenčín to the courtyard of the Trenčín Castle. The organizer of the sporting event was the Cycling Club tel. (TJ) Slávia at Športový gymnázium (ŠG) Trenčín. In the mandate of the Slovak Union of Cycling and in cooperation with partners, including the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín Region and the Trenčín Region (TSK), the organizers prepared a rich accompanying program and an exceptional sporting experience.

On Friday, June 10, 2016, Mierové Square in Trencin was celebrated by cycling. The first stage of the Slovak Cup in Road Cycling had a pride castle. Young bikers in two age categories - cadets and juniors - showed their quick legs along the 0.8 km radius with the start at Mierovo Square and the goal on the lower courtyard of the Trenčín Castle . The sporting event with the international participation of the contestants was delighted with the rich participation of the spectators who came to support the young talents of Slovak cycling.

"There are athletes from all over Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, and tomorrow a group from Austria will come. The competition consists of three separate races. Today it's a timepiece up to the castle. Tomorrow we will continue the road race in Haluzice and everything will culminate on Sunday also on the road race in Horna Sace, "said the coach of the TJ Slávia ŠG Trenčín cycling team Vladimír Hnáth .

The sunny afternoon was a pleasant sporting spirit, and the junior racing champion was disappointed with the heavy climb to the castle with heavy rain. Despite the unfavorable conditions, however, the route has mastered the route. At the championship, Štefan Michalička from the CyS club - Petra Sagana Academy in Žilina (3rd place), Adam Foltán representing the cycling club (MK) Žiar nad Hronom (2nd place) and Matej Blaško representing the cycling team CyS club - Petra Sagan Academy (1st place). In the junior category, five racers were rewarded and CyS - Petra Sagan Academy of Žilina again dominated. Dawid Burczak from the Polish club LO SMS Świdnica placed fifth place, Adrián Foltán from the CK MŠK Žiar nad Hronom finished fourth. Patrik Podolák from the CyS Academy Petr Sagan took second place, Mikołaj Konieczny took second place behind the club LO SMS Świdnica and Matúš Štoček of the CyS club - Petra Sagan Academy in Zilina was standing on the stage of winners of the Slovak Cup in road cycling.

Stage evaluation started at 20.00 h at the Peace Square, prize winners were handed over by TSK Director and KOCR Trenčín President Juraj Gerlici , Trainer of TJ Slávia ŠG Trenčín Cycling Team Vladimír Hnáth and Representative of RE / MAX from Nové Mesto nad Váhom. On behalf of the Trenčiansky župan, Juraj Gerlici handed over to the coach Vladimír Hnáth a check of 500 euros for the expenses associated with the organization of this exceptional event. "Today's cycling tournament at Trenčiansky Castle is a unique sporting event that highlights not only the city of Trenčín but the entire Trenčiansky region. I am very glad that we can support such a event, which supports young talents, from TSK also from KOCR Trenčín region, "said Gerlici.

The children's folklore ensemble Kolíšek from Dubnice nad Váhom was accompanied by a cultural program accompanying the whole event. Children's dancers presented themselves in an hour-long performance at several dance entrances and blushed their faces in view in the sun-lit square. In addition to road cycling, the audience could enjoy the tricks and jumps that Martin Behro, the European Cycling Champion, showed in the seemingly dangerous hurdles . The challenging show was held in two entrances and there was nothing to do with the story of an excellent athlete and a representative of Slovakia.

The Slovak Road Cycling Cup will continue on Saturday, June 11, 2016, in Haluzice and on Sunday, June 12, 2016, in the Upper Sace. Every part of the competition has different specifics and it is always necessary to prepare for each race. "We train five to six times a week, one day we have free training and we are about three hours", one of the representatives of TJ Slávia ŠG Trenčín, cyclist Samuel Oros, confirmed the demandingness of this popular sport. There are two large cycling sections in the Trencin region. One in Trencin and the other in Dubnica nad Váhom. Road cycling is currently experiencing tremendous progress and enjoying great interest. Events such as the Slovak Cup and its fifth round, according to the coach of Vladimír Hnáth, support sporting spirit, combat, and lead young people in the right direction to achieve their goals not only in sports but also in life.

For more information contact: Ing. Pavol Štefčík, regional tourism organization Trenčín region, To the lower station 7282 / 20A, Trenčín, e-mail: pavol.stefcik@trencinregion.sk ; Tel .: +421 901 918 854

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