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Concert THE SOUTHMINSTER RINGERS after two years again in Košarisky

Bells The Southminster Ringers from Pittsburgh after two years come back to Kosarísk. On the occasion of the European tour, you will have the opportunity to listen to the exceptional musical grouping, which will be presented on Monday, July 4, 2016, at 19.00 h in the Evangelical Church in Košarisky . The concert cordially invites the Kosariská - Priepasné Church and Košariská.

The Southminster Ringers ring set was founded in 1969. The choir has several octaves of hand-made bells and tube bells called "chimes." The musicians stand out in uniforms that include a Scottish skirt - a kilt. The varied repertoire of the chimes includes classical music, popular melodies, folk songs and other compositions specially adapted for hand bells. The locations of The Southminster Ringers include churches, schools, and prisons. At the invitation of the US President, they performed four times in the White House, touring the United States, Canada and 28 European countries. Every two years he will take a tour of a foreign tour whose idea is "Ring in Christ". The conductor of the chimes is Richar Pinkerton , who is also a member of the American Organists' Association, who runs music organ and handheld music workshops.

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