Kulturné a historické dedičstvo

ako základný atribút národného povedomia




Monuments, folk traditions, gastronomy ...

Take a look at different corners of the Trenčín region and East Moravia together with us. The room of the castle gardens in Kroměřiž, the museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm in the embrace of nature, a touch of history with a view of the majestic Trenčín Castle or the legacy of the past in the real Kopaničiar estate of Gazdovské dvor in Turá Luka. All this and much more is connected by a joint project between the regional tourism organization Trenčín region and the Tourist Board of East Moravia.

The international project "Cultural and historical heritage as a basic attribute of national consciousness" aims to introduce tourists to a diverse range of tourist attractions in the Trenčín and Zlín regions.