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Recipe: Cestenice

Taste a traditional pastry from the Myjava region, from which the whole family of four will be satisfied. If you don't have plums at home, don't be afraid to experiment and try other fruits.


Butter 200 g, sour milk / cream 150 ml, eggs 1 pc, powdered sugar 10 g, salt 1/4 PL, plain flour 400 g, fresh plums 300 g, 1 egg to rub.


We sift the flour, make a hole in the middle, add eggs, butter, salt, sugar, sour milk and process everything together into a dough. Let him rest for 1 hour. Then divide the dough into small loaves. We gradually roll them out and in a row we put rubbed plums on the road next to each other. We fold and shape the dough into either single-row or double-row roads. We press the ends firmly and place them on the greased sheet metal. Brush the surface with a beaten egg and bake until pink.

We wish you good taste!

The recipe book was prepared by TSK in cooperation with the Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Púchov.

Photo: Radovan Stoklasa

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