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Light rain

Even Uherce have the Adriatic

Podhorské village almost at the end of the county. At the border of Lower and Upper Nitra. With mansion, dam, ponds and calvary. And with a motocross track. The tourists do not need Great Uherka. And when we mention the tourists, in addition to the adventures that overflow the village with the cross-country, there are also tourists in the true sense of the word. A number of hiking and footpaths for hikers and bikers come here all the year to literally hunt the crowds of enthusiasts.

What's important, as people like to come here to visit, people here also enjoy local life. When we sit with the first lady of the village of Alena Chalupová, we do not have our fingers in our hands. The calendar of events here is really packed. From the fairies of Fasiang to the christmas tales. They do not miss dancing fun or performances of home-made guitar or well-known artists. The village finances most of the events in its own direction and does not care for such stars as Kollárovci. Admission is more or less symbolic, and people from all over the county do not hesitate to travel to Great Uheric. Even in May this year they took their own. As long as people have met in the square, on April 30th, they have gone up the village and inviting everyone to fun. Thus, the First World War in Great Uherca was given a new form.

Great cleaning

The Uherka dam has been a well-known summer tourist center for years. Instead of vacationing in the Adriatic, many preferred to visit the freshwater oasis in the arms of the mountains. But as the years went by, the dam was "clogged" and prevented by its walls. Water managers have therefore announced a strong decision - the dam over the Great Uhersky needs a repair. It involved fishing for fish and the subsequent discharge of water. The tank remained empty for almost four years. Four years without fishing, no bathing, no view of the tranquil level of the dam. Today, life goes back to the water tank. The water lovers have found the way here, despite the alert: bathing at their own responsibility. Huge joy from the water in the tank, however, has fishermen. Those are bordering the water's shores throughout the season. The only thing that makes them wrinkles on the faces are the tall grasses in which they are tangled with random rods. "I'm giving up, I no longer have the strength to fight them," says the young fisherman while packing his "vercajs" and preparing to leave the fisherman. Otherwise, his elderly colleague sees it. "I'm a retiree and this is the best relax. I do not have another robot, so I enjoy moments in the water. It is not a better place in these heat conditions, "he adds, with the amuras being installed in the dam, and those with the plants are coming soon. So far he has to be patient, but that's the job of fishermen.

The first proof of the new water in Uherčany was the Slovak ice bear. January's frosts were fitting. They cut ice, and almost a hundred of hardy people enjoyed a refreshing bath. Looking at how some of the swimmers sat on the edge of the ice and looked as if they were sunburning, the visitor in the winter jackets and snowmen walked through the cold on their backs. But they all contended that since they are stiff, they do not know the disease, and endorphins flood each piece of their body.

Adrenaline, they are also bikers

The ice cold reservoir is not the only adrenaline site around the Great Uheric. Adrenaline in the blood will also rise to you while watching modern knights on a motocross track. Under the hoods, however, hundreds of horses have to fight. In Great Uhercans, the most brave bikers have been training and competing for years. Recently, the motocross track has undergone reconstruction and, according to the information received by the mayor, this circuit is one of the best if not the best in Europe. Apart from the races, you can also enjoy the panorama of the Uherské Hory valley. Behind the back there is a church where yearly and year-old pilgrims meet to meet the traditional pilgrimage for the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

Both tourists and nevesty are impatiently waiting for the reconstruction of the original Renaissance manor house. Later, he took the stand of the English castles and became the pioneering work of English neo-gothic Romanticism in Hungary. In addition to the manor house itself, the chapel has an extensive English park that hangs its walls externally. You are decorated with four tower towers with a cimburie. The manor house in Great Uherčes belongs to the descendants of the last noble owners of the Thonets. Although they live in Austria, they are supervised by the building and its reconstruction. Mrs. Alena Chalupová, the mayor, did not miss a job. "The manor will definitely be the cherry on the torch of our village. But like everyone else, this reconstruction also takes time. And we do not have another one, just wait for her. "

Instead of boats boots

In Velké Uherice young people attract not only the wedding experience, but also the housing. She is also aware of the fact that Lýdia Korcová, a matrimonial and cultural worker, knows about it. "Besides, brides are looking forward to weddings directly in the château, and we have to go to the field more and more often with the mayor with the insignias. Young married couples want to have their great day unforgettable, so they are constantly inventing new places for the ceremony. Often we have to replace the boots with rubber boots, but it also has its own charm, "says the young registrar, adding that it is becoming increasingly common among the citizens of the Great Uherice to include also the so-called translators.

"We are near Partizánskeho, far away it is not even in Prievidza, the main road to both directions is close. And yet you live in the embrace of the mountains, so more bonuses for a relaxing life, "lists the greatest benefits of life in the Mayor of Uherč. School, kindergarten, medical center and pharmacy. And two basic art schools. It will also fit into the two thousandth village on the upper and lower Nitra. Immigrant immigrants intake with full breath. They do not throw up general events, just the opposite. "For example, mothers who meet during the maternity leave have started to help us together in organizing the stock. The word gives a word and suddenly everyone puts his hand to the work with something original, "congratulates the new community of the matriarch.

Eighties with veterans

People also help in cleaning and beautifying the village. Firemen, gardeners and immensely active seniors join. The fact that they are active also confirms the fact that many of them work in a "three in one" style. So at the same time they belong to firemen and gardeners.

One of these seniors celebrated at the time of our visit an amazing eighty. We could not miss the celebration with the sandwiches and the veterans. And she did not even miss a good mood. Mrs. Maria Belis was in the circle of closest friends. They meet every day in their "school". The village has built a community center where, in the morning, seniors meet, practice, go for a walk, have a lunch. "They do not even dictate and repeat math, for example multipliers. All the pieces you see on the walls have prepared these ladies. And one master. We finally have a guy with us, and it's a little cheerful then, "says one of the carers who found the sense of life in helping seniors. She says she, besides helping them during the day, learns a lot from them. Their experience and life wisdom are for non-payment.

"It is good for us, we are widows, we have to go with our candles on the cemetery. Thanks to the nurses. They'll take us there because the legs are no longer listening. And by stopping on ice cream, "they do not let the clients commit to two nurses. Nor do the masseuses or pedicurists regularly attending seniors. On her big day, the celebrity Mrs. Maria Belis was also waiting for the congratulators from the firefighters and the Unity of Pensioners, who had been chairing for many years. The association of gardeners is no longer active. As she says, the robot in the garden is already above her strength.

Goulash or trout?

Whoever docks in Uherč, it mostly attracts to the surrounding mountains. In the village tourists are really active. They organize outings and walks around and across Slovakia. Aliens are not even brigades. And a huge interest is also on the projection of mountain films. Kinotourists can also envy big festivals for Uherciam. As in the village, social life is thirsty all year round, and tourists have a robot during the year. Or for fun. They also enjoy meeting at the chateau and the kettle with good goulash.

"Oh, I'm the tourist with all my heart. The second thing is that I hate tourism only sporadically, "says the Mayor, smiling, who always finds time to prepare the goulash by tourists. He has rich experience with them. Almost no action in Great Uhersky is done without the legendary potty goulash. It is not alone in its preparation. She has helpers at the office, which makes the aroma of meat, potatoes and spices spread throughout the valley. And just between us, if you do not have a taste of goulash, you will find two ponds over the dam, where you can prepare the best of the grilled trout in the world. At least they praise local.

What is clear about the sun, you will never be bored in Uherč, and you will not even feel hungry here. The warmth of the people in this part of our region, on the border of the lower and upper Nitra, you feel instantly.

text: Radovan Stoklas, Martin Petrík

photo by Radovan Stoklas

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