05. 11. 2021 - 23. 12. 2021
Date nad time
Friday 05. November 2021 -
Thursday 23. December 2021
every Friday
972 01 Bojnice
Do you like taking away non-traditional experiences from different places? In that case, we invite you to an evening tour of the ZOO.
During the months of November and December, Friday evenings at the Bojnice Zoo will belong to non-traditional shows. Evening guided tours will allow you to see the animals under the cover of darkness and learn more about life in the zoo. Together with the guide, you will walk through a selected part of the zoo, where you will learn a lot of interesting things about animals.
As the number of places is limited, it is necessary to register for the tour in advance at podujatie@zoobojnice.sk
You can find more information about the event on the attached poster
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972 01 Bojnice