Founded: in 1955
Area: 41 ha
Exposition: 20 ha
Number of species in the European Breeding Programs (EEP): 26
Number of species in European Breeding Book (ESB): 31 + 3 monitoring
Specialization: ZOO Bojnice belongs to zoological gardens of general type, Without specialization. In the past, more attention has been devoted to rye island, runner, deer and thorny ungulates. Today, the zoo is gradually seeking to focus on rare and endangered species.
The most important animal species present: Varanus macraei, Epicrates angulifer, Sanzinia madagascariensis, Astrochelys radiata, Brachylophus fasciatus, Aratinga guarouba, Black-billed Crusaders (Grus vipio), Coracopsis vaza, Deroptyus accipitrinus, Lophura edwardsii, Lophura diardi, Lophura leucomelanos hamiltoni, Ibis Eurasia spp., Eudocimus ruber, Leucopsar rotschildii, Bernier's duck beetle, Haliaetus pelagicus, Haliaetus albicilla, 3 species of Goura sp., Prionailurus rubiginosus phillipsi ), Panthera pardus saxicolor, Panthera leo leo, Zebra Hartm Equus zebra hartmannae, Hippotragus niger, Oryx gazella, Madoka kirkii, Equus kiang holdereri, Boocercus euryceros isaaci, Tragelaphus strepsiceros, , Pongo pygmaeus, Varecia variegata rubra, Nomascus gabriellae, Colobus guereza, Crowopithecus roloway, Loxodonta africana, Cervus deer Nippon dybowskii), Dama mesopotamica, Cervus albirostris, and Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi.
The most precious types of animals and why: 1. Roloway (Cercopithecus roloway) - only 10 individuals live in ten of the world's zoos (in fact, Europe)! There is no one in nature, but it will probably be just a few hundred. It is among the 25 most critically endangered primates of the world! 2. Mountain bongo (Boocercus euryceros isaaci) - The population in the zoo thrives, it is about 500, in their homeland the last 50 wild species of this subspecies antelope bongo survive. 3. Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi - although in Chinese zoos it is more frequent, there are only 19 zoo (only 5 females) in the Zoo world outside of two Japanese zoos. Approximately 5000 individuals live in nature.
The Zoo has greatly deserved to preserve and research the genofond of rare species: reintroduction of the lynx species in the Czech Republic and France, increase of the white boar population in the region, contribution to the reintroduction of owls in the Šumava National Park in recent years, strengthening of the local population of green-footed snakes and flames Owl; Lynx lynx lynx research, and the last immortal project of the chamois of the Tatra Mountains. Since 2007, as the first Slovak zoo, directly supports in situ a world project - namely West African primates in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire within the WAPCA. In 2012 she sent to Bulgaria 12 socks of socks, including five Bojnicia borns. Birds subsequently raised offspring, which were first released into freedom in the history of the country. In 2014, we sent three owls to the reintroduction project in Austria.
The most important breeding successes in history: 133 Eunectes notaeus, 10 Python regius, 251 Emu (Dromiceius novaehollandiae), 72 Rhea americana, 8 Pelecanus onocrotalus, 28 Red- Uranissa erythrorhyncha), 10 eagles (Aquila rapax nipalensis), 22 green algae (Ara ararauna), 17 green algae (Ara chloroptera), 10 vase of large Coracopsis vasa, 2 Cariama cristata, Chilensis), 1 Anthropoides virgo, 23 Eudocimus ruber, 31 Threschiornis moluccensis, 21 Platalea leucorodia, 5 Ciconia nigra, 9 Lophura edwardsi, , 2 Berries (Anas bernieri), 3 Crossoptilon mantchuricum, 75 lynx lynx, 3 Sumatrian tigers Thera tigris sumatrae), 9 Panthera pardus saxicolor, 1 manhole (Otocolobus manul), 12 Equus hemionus kulan, 2 Equus kiang holdereri, 4 Equus przewalskii, 45 Chapman's zebra Equus burchelli chapmani), 14 Equus zebra hartmannae, 10 Boongerus euryceros isaacius, 29 Tragelaphus strepsiceros, 1 Rangifer tarandus, 2 Savage tatarica, , 5 European bison (Bison bonasus), 9 Capra ibex sibirica, 68 Capra caucasica, 20 Capra falconeri heptneri, 30 Capro aegagrus cretica, 1 Pongo orangutan pygmaeus), 2 lemur red (Varecia rubra), 7 pláštiková Colobus (Colobus guereza), gibbon zlatolíci 4 (Nomascus gabriellae), 18 tamarin tamarin (Saguinus oedipus), 13 Tamarin červenobruchý (Saguinus labiatus) 21 and the Pygmy Marmoset (Cebuella niveiventris pygmaea).
Mgr. Peter Lupták
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Zámok a okolie 6
972 01 Bojnice