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heavy rain

The Art Point gallery ends. it is a pity

Art point ends in the Baník cinema in Prievidza. The gallery where you had a coffee, which was open to various genres and which the metropolis of Upper Nitra needed as a bright cultural point. Roman Turcel, the man who built Art Point, has made no secret in the past that making culture in a heavily industrial city is a difficult nut to crack.

And he confirmed the words a year ago even now. It had been a fight so far, but the crown had struck them one last time. "We moved and moved a number of events until we finally canceled them completely. The vision of how it will be next is in sight and we had no choice but to end it, "says Roman Turcel, who has moved to Prague in the meantime and lets his creative soul manifest itself in the studio.

The fact that he embarked on the daring idea of the gallery eight years ago does not regret even when the interior is sold out. As they say, they showed and proved that this kind of culture in the city is also needed and there is a demand for it. "Prievidza needs a city gallery and such an independent cultural point. I believe that after our departure, someone new will come here, maybe someone who will do better, "does not hide the hope for further use of the space.

The city management wants the Baník cinema to continue its artistic and possibly gallery activities, and has therefore announced a competition for the lease of premises. Behind the Art Point, many Prievidžans and artists are sad. The writer and native of Prievidza, Daniel Hevier, remembered him on his Facebook page. He himself was one of the guests, but he also appreciated another thousand events.

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