If you prefer adventures in a tent , cottages or caravan , take advantage of caravan services in the locality below Bojnice Castle . The campsite is situated in a beautiful natural environment above the chalet on the way from Bojnice to Nitrianske Rudno .
Our services
⇥We offer accommodation
⇥- in 3 cottages
⇥- in 6 bungalows
⇥- Place for tents, caravans, trailers .
In the area you can use a large open fireplace , buffet with terrace (snacks, meals), space for sports games .
⇥ Social facilities and showers are separate with non-stop hot water .
⇥Camping is open during the whole summer season until 15.9.
Apart from the season in the area, we provide various corporate events, celebrations, weddings and other events throughout the year after the phone call. 0905 502 667 .
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Oddych v prekrásnom prírodnom prostredí myjavských kopaníc. . Strávte víkend v…
Rybníčky 8
97201 Bojnice