If you are looking for comfortable private accommodation , private parking , family comfort and atmosphere with the possibility of self-cooking or undisturbed privacy in the beautiful surroundings under the hill Machnáč , at the end of Trenčianske Teplice, Suchej on Partizánska Street 14.
The villa with terrace, private parking offers relaxed moments of relaxation. The city center , promenade and spa treatments are within a 10-minute walk .
We offer you:
Contact: 0903 596 411, 032/655 25 49 - call after 15.00hrs
HISTÓRIA. Prvá písomná zmienka o existencii hradu je z roku 1113 v listine zoborského…
HISTÓRIA. Na mieste dnešného hradu stálo v období Veľkej Moravy hradisko ako správne…
Anna Suchá annasucha14@post.sk
Partizánska 429/11
91451 Trenčianske Teplice