For lovers of experience - visit the Slovak National Aeronautics Club in Partizánsky . The club with the airport is in close proximity to the town , in the village of Malé Bielice . Good access, parking directly in the area , refreshment cafe Aerocafe , accommodation .
The Club hosts a variety of interesting and untraditional flying events , various races , events for children and adults , car shows , musical events , open air festivals and similar activities.
For clients wishing to fly, there is the possibility of AIRPLANE ORDERS on tel. 0908 811 888 . If you want to make somebody happy with an unusual gift , donate the WEDNESDAY YEAR in the form of GIFT TREATMENT .
Malebná zrúcanina viditeľná už z diaľky na vápencovo-dolomitickom kopci poskytujúca…
Oddych v prekrásnom prírodnom prostredí myjavských kopaníc. . Strávte víkend v…
Jozef Ondruška jozef.ondruska@zoznam.sk
Kúpeľná 106
95804 Malé Bielice