If you visit Bánoviec, visit GREEN CAFFÉ. You can find us right on the square . You can sit and enjoy a moment of relaxation e.g. With a book , Musetti coffee and something sweet to try.
We offer a wide selection of desserts , Musetti coffee , green coffee , alcohol and non- alcoholic beverages, mixed drinks , bubbletea .
For Tea Lovers we offer the Gatuzo brand and, Fresh tea of our own production , prepared with us from fruits and herbs, magic and mixed tea .
We will surprise the beer lovers, for example. Black belgian beer , wine lovers will offer the brands Pretzelmayer , Pavelka , Topolčianky , Carpathian pearl or Pereg Modra .
To try a baguette, panini , so if you do not go for example. Breakfast at home, you are in a state of harmony, open from morning .
HISTÓRIA. Na mieste dnešného hradu stálo v období Veľkej Moravy hradisko ako správne…
Oddych v prekrásnom prírodnom prostredí myjavských kopaníc. . Strávte víkend v…
Monday | 07:30-22:00 |
Tuesday | 07:30-22:00 |
Wednesday | 07:30-22:00 |
Thursday | 07:30-22:00 |
Friday | 07:30-23:59 |
Saturday | 08:30-23:59 |
Sunday | 11:00-22:00 |
Jana Horníková janahornik07@gmail.com
Námestie Ľ. Štúra 1796/5A
95701 Bánovce nad Bebravou