Our restaurant is located in the center of Bánoviec nad Bebravou , in the business building ROKOŠ in the square.
In our offer you will find many interesting Asian specialties . You can try something other than Slovak cuisine and enrich your daily meals.
These foods contain fresh foods , especially vegetables, and are therefore healthy and suitable for every organism. We specialize especially in the lunch menu , but we will also be glad to offer you coffee , drinks , desserts , fruit and ice-cream cups when you are seated.
Even lovers of classic Slovak cuisine can enjoy ourselves, for example, Pork or chicken slices . We can bring your food home . In our premises we would like to organize your celebration , sitting.
In addition, you can use the free internet connection . We look forward to your company and we hope you will taste it.
Malebná zrúcanina viditeľná už z diaľky na vápencovo-dolomitickom kopci poskytujúca…
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Monday | 10:30-16:00 |
Tuesday | 10:30-16:00 |
Wednesday | 10:30-16:00 |
Thursday | 10:30-16:00 |
Friday | 10:30-16:00 |
Saturday | CLOSED |
Sunday | CLOSED |
Tru An Vu restauracia@jasminbn.sk
Námestie Ľ. Štúra 19/19
95701 Bánovce nad Bebravou