Welcome Pension IKA

Bánovce nad Bebravou



Pension IKA

Category: Pension

Bánovce nad Bebravou, Slovensko

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We invite you to Pension IKA , located in Banovce nad Bebravou, in Dubnička , near the city center. Excellent accessibility , private parking , services at a very favorable price .

We offer accommodation in 4 double rooms and 4 single rooms with the possibility of an extra bed.

The facility has a pharmacy , drugstore , hairdresser , cosmetics , solarium , PNS stand, tailoring , fast food - pizza, food, bar with summer terrace . Kaufland , Bill , Lidl and the nearby post office , walk within 5 minutes. The thermal swimming pool is in the vicinity, about 1000 m from the facility.

Amenities at IKA:

The entire interior of the accommodation is considered to be a non-smoking area and there is a smoking ban.

Looking forward to your visit !

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Address Svätoplukova 1852/50
95701 Bánovce nad Bebravou

30. 01. 2025 14:00 - 16. 03. 2025 18:30

, Slovensko


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