Welcome Cottage Javorník

Horná Mariková



Cottage Javorník

Category: Cottage

Horná Mariková, Slovensko

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Chalet Javornik is a new facility and provides accommodation in apartments and double rooms located on two floors. There are 2 apartments for 5 people, 2 apartments for 4 people and 4 rooms for 2 persons. Capacity of the cottage is about 30 seats together with extra beds. All apartments have their own TV, toilet and shower.

Meals are provided in a dining room with a capacity of 150 seats. Dining rooms are built on traditional home cooking and the taste of visitors to the resort. Traditionally, there is a snowmobile, where specialties of Slovak cuisine are served during one winter weekend. There is also a day and night bar.

Chalet Javornik is located directly below the ski lift with a view of the slope.

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Address Ráztoka 858,
018 03 Horná Mariková

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