Welcome Matador Business Center



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Matador Business Center

Category: Hotel

Púchov, Slovensko

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Matador Holding as introduces your Business Center facility, which is available not only to the business manager and their business partners, but also to business people from the surrounding region, their guests, business travelers and customers.

MBC is a modern facility, fully equipped with versatile service, to satisfy even the most demanding. It offers accommodation, boarding, meeting rooms, business premises, a relax center with a golf treadmill.

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Address Streženická cesta 45
020 01 Púchov

01. 06. 2024 00:00 - 31. 08. 2024 23:59

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29. 06. 2024 10:00 - 31. 08. 2024 18:00

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03. 07. 2024 17:00 - 27. 08. 2024 20:00

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18. 07. 2024 08:00 - 18. 07. 2024 14:00

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