Newly opened SHISHA BAR in Trenčín on Mierovo náměstí, directly in the historical center of the city.
As the only one in Trenčín, you can also offer quality water hookahs alongside the offer of mixed drinks .
Water pipe comes from India, later expanded to Arabia and is popular especially in the Middle East and Asia. This device, used for smoking, works on the principle of filtering and cooling the smoke through the water filter. Most impurities are trapped through the water. As a smoker, smoking is mostly mixed with molasses, honey and oil, which is moist and brittle, and burns with strong smoke. In Europe, there are favorite tobacco flavors such as apple, melon, mint, coffee, cocoa, etc. On the contrary, in Arab countries the most popular tobacco is strong without flavor, for example Zaghloul. Tobacco is fumigated by fuming or fast-burning charcoal, which is also used to burn fragrant herbs, woods or incense. The smoking time of the smoke is dependent on the time that the carbon is.
Comfortable seating and pleasant service.
Looking forward to your visit.
Malebná zrúcanina viditeľná už z diaľky na vápencovo-dolomitickom kopci poskytujúca…
. Mesto Trenčianske Teplice leží severovýchodne od Trenčína na úpätí Strážovských…
Juraj Hurtoň
Mierové námestie 40/42
91101 Trenčín