Welcome RS Hotel Hlboké




RS Hotel Hlboké

Category: Hotel

Bojnice, Slovensko

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Rekreační středisko Hotel Hlboké is located four kilometers from the town of Bojnice. Located in a clean environment of the Strážovské vrchy mountain range. Description: Recreation center Hotel Hlboké offers accommodation in the hotel part and cottages with a total capacity of 221 beds. The hotel part offers accommodation in 31 double rooms with the possibility of one (13 rooms), respectively. Two beds (18 rooms). All rooms are equipped with private bathroom (shower, toilet), satellite TV. There is a seating area in the lobby. The reception has a Wifi - internet connection. Common rooms equipped with wired internet: - a dining room with a capacity of 100 seats (* equipped with conference facilities) - a small lounge / bar with a capacity of 40 seats - a conference room with a capacity of 40 seats (equipped with conference technology *) * TV, DVD , Video player, sound system, data projector, flip-chart, screen. There are eight chalets in the hotel complex. Each cottage offers accommodation in 2-4 bedded rooms (one cottage has 12-14 beds). Each cottage has 2 hygienic blocks (each has a shower and 2 x WC). There is a tennis court, basketball, volleyball and handball playground (all asphalt), lawn football field, arbor with grill, open fireplace, playground, table tennis.

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Address Hlboké 1564
972 01 Bojnice

01. 06. 2024 00:00 - 31. 08. 2024 23:59

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