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Katov dom

Category: Monuments

Trenčín, Slovensko

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Window viewing the execution area

Only the very word "cat" and "katov dom" induce some horrible ghosts in some zombies. Such a reputed house is standing in a historic, idyllic alley cranked under the castle of Trenčín. In the 16th to 17th centuries, he was the cat. In the cold and black cellar of this house there was a damp dungeon, in which the detainees suffered the last moments of poor life before death on a near execution.

Katov House now runs the Trenčín Museum, which has set up two extremely attractive exhibitions here. The first one is titled "Law and Justice in Old Trencin" and the visitor learns about the subjects of urban justice and torture. There are not only sharp circular swordsmen, cranberries, dereš, wheel for breaking bones, but also church treasuries. Surprising or illogical? Only until the visitor of the cat's house knows that they have been tortured for their robbery and eventually executed Stanislav Chrbinský himself, the towncat.

In the second exhibition called "Old Trenčín" will be interested mainly crafts and art-historical objects.

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Address Matúšova 16
911 01 Trenčín

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