Piarists and their angelic illusion
The most prehistoric Prievidza is a Piarist church. The founder of this building aurbanistic work was the Count František Pálfiová, who invited the city to the city. In addition to the church, they also allowed them to build monasteries, schools and grammar schools. The construction of baroque pearls of Slovakia and Europe began in 1666. The dozens of local craftsmen, Moravian, Silesian and Austrian masters took part in this special construction. It was completed by the religious architect H. Hangke in the years 1743 - 1750. The Piarist Church of the Most Holy Trinity and the Assumption of Virgin Mary ordered and ordained in 1753. The dominant of the sanctuary is the main baroque hall with a marble column architecture and the central image of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. In front of the town, the town has an exceptional architectural significance of regional importance.
It is a striking example of the maturity of art in the creation of illusions, as well as in the unification of the artistic, sculptural and architectural processing. Today it is considered one of the most beautiful baroque buildings in Central Europe. When entering the collage pillars with an ionic head, characterized by two twisted "barangers". The entrance to the church is decorated with pillars with a Corinthian head, which are developed by the acanthus leaves in rows above each other. Both styles come from vantique.
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