The bloody history of the Copan Church
The TuráLúka Village is just 2 km from Myjava, since 1980 it is the city's part. It has 40 settlements, cops and heaths that span the slopes and valleys in the area. The decoration of the Turkish Meadows of the Jerusalem Roman Catholic parish church of St. John of Nepomuk from 1610 with barbecue equipment. The founding of the village before 1580, then the church and then the cemetery in 1637, says the Latin inscription on the board on the south stene.
In September 1663, the Tatars defeated Turus Lúku and Myjavu three times. After the burning of the church and parishes, the first parish priest Ján Krman left for Bukovec, where he graduated. The history of the church includes the dramatic history of religious conflicts by Catholics and Evangelicals. The first bloody incident on Ture Lúk was on July 14, 1672, when bishop Juraj Barson and his companion arrived here after the visits to the villages of Čachtice. His arrival met with the armed resistance of the Turolucans and the Bukovcans, whom he called the ev. FarrierDaniel Krman st. In this incident, the bishop was killed by the protonist JánBársony, the life of other members of the escort rescued only the intervention of Krman's wife. On 31 November 1674, they were tortured directly at the farm in Turej Lúke P. John Simonides. The floats flowed and 23 January 1733 in the church of Turej Lúke festively Installed the fighter Ján Gogolak. The church, after nearly 50 years, became Catholic again.
The last correction was made in 2010.
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