Mansion with own electricity production
The advantageous location on the way from Skýcova to Topoľčian and Trenčín contributed to the fact that in the 15th century the tower was chosen in the Tríbeč mountain range.
The construction of the original Baroque manor house, hidden in a picturesque park along the banks of the Vyčoma creek, contributed in the 18th century by the Husarians family. The last owner, Baron Leopold Haupt-Stummer, gave him the current Baroque form. The hall was adjoining an adjacent residential wing connected by an open arcade path that allowed the interior to interconnect with the surrounding nature. The reconstruction did not leave even the interior, a decoration inspired by the French Rococo. The rounded hall of the ceremony hall also served as a winter garden and a palm-greenhouse, the entire building of which was equipped with comfortable central heating for its time. A man-made farmhouse with a U-shaped basement with warehouses, stables and servants' Interesting of the site is that the electric power to shine was supplied by a domestic generator powered by a water wheel installed on a stream in the park. Its part on an area of 5 hectares, apart from numerous woods, has also been the modified Vyčoma stream. Zné is powered by a lake north of the manor. The park is decorated with an artificial cave, bridges, benches and charming gazebos.
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