Wonderful protector baby
In the local part of Chrenovec near Prievidza is originally a Gothic church of half14. century. Its incredible story is linked to its construction. In the construction of the hexagonal tower, a mother, whose height was more than 13 meters, carried on a scaffolding at the mother-of-pearl, and her six-week-old infant was breastfeeding. The naked baby, however, slipped, and the sharpened stone fell over the edge of the scaffold. The dead mother cried and fainted. But when the parish priest ran out and took it, they pulled her out of the scaffolding mine-and the child found themselves lying between the stones, lively, veiled and without the slightest sign of injury. In order that this great prosperity of the Almighty God be preserved for the future generations, the parish priest would make a child of the same size and bury him in the tower at the same height.
The fortune savants from the miraculous tower turned away when the fire was on July 17, 1947. The church was then expanded by a new three-aisled space, transversely built to the original supersession. The Gothic Church preserved the cross-arched vault of the sanctuary of the ivory on a polygonal ground plan. From the plant remained the late 18th-century Monster-type, Rococo so-called. Holy Communion of Midnight18. Century and wooden folk sculpture Piety from the end of the 18th century. The non-gothic wooden tall relief of the Virgin Mary from the period around 1517 is housed in a museum in Bojnice.
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