Stop for lunch, ride on horseback or take advantage of spaces suitable for celebrations, weddings or trainings. The offer at the Stadt Cedos riding complex in Nozdrkovce is really wide. In addition to a spacious grounds in a beautiful setting suitable for riding horses or cats, over the stables there is a tavern and accommodation with the distinctive name "Over Stajňa". The 60-person guesthouse, a 40-person terrace, and a 40-bed guesthouse offer a wide range of uses.
Dominantný a majestátny. Taký je hrad Beckov. Vyrastá zo skaly, je s ňou spätý ako sú s…
HISTÓRIA. Prvá písomná zmienka o existencii hradu je z roku 1113 v listine zoborského…
Nozdrkovce 1797
911 01 Trenčín-Biskupice