Lanius is a brewery with a restaurant in a historic moscow house in Mierovo Square in Trencin. The house has a long history dating back to 1649. Despite the fact that it has since undergone various modifications and reconstructions, it has preserved its original medieval disposition with a large number of historical artifacts and original stone fireplaces. The name of the restaurant and the brewery bears the name of the first owner of this house. The Lanius Brewery is a type of brewery known in the world as "craft brewery". This means "craftsmanship" in the translation, which describes the manual work associated with beer preparation, such as cooking itself, manual flasking, or manual sticking of labels.
The brewery with a restaurant has a range of 6 to 10 types of its own beaten beer, of different world beer styles. The restaurant's meals are also thematically designed so that the dishes are suitable for beer. A special group of dishes on the ticket is made up of meals that have been used to prepare the beer.
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Mierové námestie 20
911 01 Trenčín