The protected landscape area of Strážovské vrchy is located in central Slovakia and is linked to two orographic units, Strážovské vrchy and Súľovské vrchy.
The varied and complex geological structure represents the representation of several subtatranistic peaks (Manan, Cross, Choč, Strážovský), as a result of which the limestones and dolomites appear in the area. The typical rocks of the Súľov Rocks are basal reliefs.
The predominant, naturally widespread forest communities are beechwood. In the higher positions, the fir-tree communities with a higher proportion of coniferous trees predominate.
The plantation of the area is characterized by a rich and varied limestone flora with the presence of demanding thermophilous and mountainous and alpine species. There are many West Carpathian and Carpathian endemites and subendemites such as the Poniklec Slovak, the early klin, the shiny vulture, the Carpathian soldier, the Tatran skeleton, the snowdrop, the limestone, the Kitaibelov and the Pannonian shrub, and the endangered thistle.
The animal life of the area is predominantly a species of deciduous forest zone, less steppe fallow. Among the rare species of animals, they are, for example, jasmine - reddish and chocolat, furry - fenic and fruity. There are mountain peaks, marsupial and smooth snakes, mice falcon, hawk moth, mountain hawk, big hawk, common bee. In the area, there is a deaf, a black crested, a rocky scaly. Large bears have a bear and feature in the area. There are also hunting dogs - turtles, deer, wild boar and mouflon. Within the framework of the protected landscape area, the Čičmany village harmoniously blends in with its own wooden structures with rich ornamental decorations, as well as local embroidery and lace.
National nature reserves
- Souľovské skaly
- Manínska tiesňava
- Strážov
- Podskalský Roháč
- Vapa
Natural reservations
- Kostolecká tiesňava
- Klapa (outside the Protected Landscape Area of Strážovské vrchy in the area with the 1st degree of protection)
Natural monuments
- Bosman
- Prečínska skalka
- Zliechov marsh
- Súľovský Hrádok
- Briestenné (outside the Protected Landscape Area of Strážovské vrchy in the area with the 1st protection)
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