Welcome CHKO Biele Karpaty




CHKO Biele Karpaty

Category: Countryside

Nemšová, Slovensko

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The Protected Landscape Areas and Protected Landscape Areas (CHKO) include the Protected Landscape Area of ​​the White Carpathians with an area of ​​44,568 hectares. It was proclaimed in 1979 to preserve and enhance the demonstration parts of the impressive landscape of the White Carpathians, climatic, aquatic, soil and forest ratios, health-creative values, the diversity of flora and fauna as well as scattered natural creations and specific forms of historical settlement, special scientific, Educational and aesthetic significance and ensuring their optimal use.

In the PLA, the 2nd degree of nature protection is valid. 1st level is the lowest - it is the rest of the country outside protected areas, 5th grade represents the most stringent protection of the most valuable natural sites.

Within the Protected Landscape Area, there are areas with 4th and 5th degree of nature conservation. They are natural Reservations and monuments as well as national nature reserves. In the 4th degree, man's activity is considerably limited, but it does not mean that he is excluded; on the other hand, the territory with the 5th degree is called the so- "Non-intervention". The Protected Landscape Area of ​​BK includes 45 areas with 4th and 5th degree of protection with a total area of ​​611 hectares. Of these 13 nature reserves (397 ha) and 32 natural sites (214 ha).

Nature reserves of Biele Karpaty PLA in TSK

- Červenokamenské bradlo - 1969 (o. Ilava, Červený Kameň)

- Debšín - 1984 (Trenčín, Horná Súča)

- Drieňová - 1997 (about Ilava, Krivoklat)

- Hornozávrská wetland - 1983 (Trenčín, Horná Súča)

- Sailing yacht - 1997 (Trenčín, Drietoma)

- Krasin - 1971 (o. Trenčín, Dolná Súča)

- Lednické bradlo - 1969 (o. Púchov, Lednica)

- Nebrová - 1993 (o. Ilava, Červený Kameň)

- Veľká Javorina - 1988 (o. Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Lubina, Horné Bzince, Hrubá Strana)

- Vršatské bradlá - 1970 (about Ilava, Vršatské Podhradie, Červený Kameň)

- Vršatské hradné bralo - 1970 (about Ilava, Vršatské Podhradie)

- Záhradská - 1984 (o. Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Lubina)

Natural monuments

- Babina - 2002 (Ilava, Bohunice pri Pruskom)

- Baroque meadows - 1994 (o. Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Moravské Lieskové)

- Bestiné - 1993 - (o. Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Nová Bošáca)

- White Hill - 1990 - (Ilava, Vršatské Podhradie)

- Blažejová - 1993 - (o. Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Nová Bošáca)

- Borotova - 1988 - (New Town of Vahom, Stará Turá)

- Brezovská Valley - 1989 - (Ilava, Červený Kameň)

- Bučkova jama - 1993 - (Myjava, Vrbovce)

- Cetuna - 1999 - (Nove Mesto nad Vahom, Horne Bzince)

- Dračia studňa - 1993 - (Ilava, Bolešov, Krivoklát)

- Drietomica - 1997 - (Trenčín, Drietoma)

- Grun - 1992 - (New Town of Váh, Nová Bošáca)

- Chvojnica - 1991 - (part of Myjava, Chvojnica, Častkov in the Protected Landscape Area)

- Kohútová - 1992 - (New Town, Valašské Meziříčí, Moravské Lieskové)

- Kožíkov vrch - 1990 - (Myjava, Vrbovce)

- Krivoklat meadows - 1993 - (Ilava, Krivoklat)

- Krivoklátska tiesňava - 1989 - (Ilava, Krivoklat)

- Kurinov vrch - 1990 - (Trenčín, Adamovské Kochanovce)

- Lednice Rocks - 1993 - (Púchov, Lednica)

- Lopeníček - 2002 - (New Town, Nová Bošáca)

- Malejov - 1990 - (Myjava, Vrbovce)

- Mravce - 2002 - (o. Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Nová Bošáca)

- Petrova - 1993 - (Trenčín, Chocholná-Velčice)

- Podsalašie - 1997 - (Trenčín, Horná Súča)

- Rajkovec - 1992 - (Trenčín, Horné Srnie)

- Skalice - 1969 - (Ilava, Mikušovce)

- Strošovský močiar - 1989 - (Ilava, Červený Kameň)

- Šifflovci - 1994 - (Myjava, Chvojnica)

- Štefanová - 1990 - (Myjava, Vrbovce)

- Beekeepers - 1990 - (Trenčín, Horná Súča)

- Žalostina - 1994 - (Myjava, Chvojnica)

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Address Trenčianska ul. 31
914 41 Nemšová

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