AQUA SPORT HOTEL *** is a newly opened, modern hotel near the center of Puchov , on the Nábřeží svobody .
It provides accommodation for individuals who are looking for active relaxation but is also suitable for business clients. The hotel is part of a multifunctional building with service connectivity and therefore we can satisfy even the most demanding customer .
Accommodation is provided in 24 double rooms with the possibility of an extra bed and three suites .
All rooms have a private balcony and river views . Rooms are equipped with double bed , sofa , enough storage , TV , private bathroom and toilet . There is also a WIFI connection, minibar and air conditioning .
In the complex there are extensive sports and wellness opportunities as well as newly opened RESTAURANT U JAKUBA with a varied menu of daily menu and ala carte dish.
Oddych v prekrásnom prírodnom prostredí myjavských kopaníc. . Strávte víkend v…
Iba najcitlivejšie uši poetických duší tulákov dokážu zachytiť clivú melódiu vzácnej…
Nábrežie slobody 1926/4
02001 Púchov