If you belong among sports fans, visit training or come to cheer for HK Slavia in Partizánsky. You can find it on February Street, in the wider city center.
HK Slavia Partizánske is a Slovak women's handball club from Partizánske. It was founded in 1965 under the name of TJ Iskra Partizánske . He won the title of the Slovak Champion once , 4 times the title of the Czech-Slovakian Champion and is the 4th winner of the Slovak Cup .
He has the highest home competition - WHIL Interlig.
HISTÓRIA. Prvá písomná zmienka o existencii hradu je z roku 1113 v listine zoborského…
Dominantný a majestátny. Taký je hrad Beckov. Vyrastá zo skaly, je s ňou spätý ako sú s…
Februárová 1082/11
95801 Partizánske