Welcome MESTSKÁ PLAVÁREŇ Bánovce nad Bebravou

Bánovce nad Bebravou



MESTSKÁ PLAVÁREŇ Bánovce nad Bebravou

Category: Sports ground

Bánovce nad Bebravou, Slovensko

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The indoor swimming pool in Bánovce nad Bebravou offers you the opportunity to swim in the pool 25 meters long . You will find us in the wider city center on ul. Ferka Urbanka.

The pool is filled with thermal water.

For those who like warmth, we offer a 38 ° C relaxation pool and massage attractions - pearl bench , massage spouts , massage counter-current , massage jets .

We also offer the possibility to visit the sauna or solarium .

Swimming school - we also organize individual and school swimming courses . The school was established in 2000, the number of courses completed is close to 1000. The swimming school offers individual instruction for the public. In teaching, we place the emphasis on proper breathing and relaxation during swimming so that swimming is really a relaxing sport - orders 0905 793 488

Indoor cycling effectively combines energy aerobic exercise on special stationary bicycles . Indoor cycling is the most effective and highly motivating cardiovascular exercise that does not burden the joint system and leads to overall muscle training and improves physical fitness and well-being. Indoor cycling is on order 038/7603 714.

Swimming for toddlers - swim swimming courses are organized in the covered swimming pool area: JUNIOR HOLIDAYS contact 0903143903 (www.babyzlnk.sk) and CHOPOTNIČKY contact 0908 246 312, 0904 658 471,


We look forward to your visit and wish you pleasant moments of relaxation.

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Address Ferka Urbánka 9
95701 Bánovce nad Bebravou

30. 01. 2025 14:00 - 16. 03. 2025 18:30

, Slovensko


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21. 03. 2025 18:00 - 21. 03. 2025 20:45

Trenčín, Slovensko


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