Hier ruhet in Gott ... Here lies in God ...
If you stop on your roads and wanderings at the old cemetery in Nitrianske Pravne, you will find yourself in a unique sculpture open-air gallery - perhaps the most beautiful in the whole region of Upper Nitra ...
The history of the cemetery is inseparably linked to the settlement of the Upper Nitra region (German Hauerland) by the Carpathian Germans who lived here for 800 years. The Nitrianske Pravno (originally German Pravno, Deutsch-Proben ) until the end of World War II was almost exclusively a German community . About this history the testimony of the bourgeois cemetery of the original German population also proves.
The quiet walk between the massive gravestones carved out of stone , magnificent sculpture reliefs , massive granite monuments and fragile angel statues, acts as a balm on the soul in this sometimes over-exalted world ...
They create nostalgic landscapes, overlooking Calvary Solk - an exceptional sacral monument with a total of 27 neo-gothic buildings.
HISTÓRIA. Prvá písomná zmienka o existencii hradu je z roku 1113 v listine zoborského…
Dominantný a majestátny. Taký je hrad Beckov. Vyrastá zo skaly, je s ňou spätý ako sú s…
97213 Nitrianske Pravno