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The Myjavská hill lair has been among the treasures of the cultural heritage of the Slovak Republic

Representative list of Slovakia's intangible cultural heritage was extended on Thursday, March 2, 2017, by the Tyl bobbin lace of Myjavská pahorkatina. The certificates of the Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Marek Maďarič, were taken over by Viera Feriancová, director of the Center for Traditional Culture (ČTK) in Myjava in the founding of the Trenčín Self-governing Region (TSK).

The bobbin lace tattoo of Myjavská hills is one of the unique types of lace that are being developed in Slovakia today. The origin of the lace of the Myjavian region dates back to the 1980s. The center of bobbin became the village Krajné, where the immigrated women from the Czech Vamberk began to learn the technique of the Belgian lace. Tradition has gradually spread to other rookies and has become an important part of the art and clothing culture of Myjavská hora. During the course of time, the lace has undergone a variety of changes, achieving a high aesthetic level, and its creation is currently associated with high technical and time demands. "Originally a lace lace fed a woman without a pre-drawn pattern or technical manual. The generosity of the bobbin lace was generalized by mutual attribution or observation, "said CTK Director Myjave Viera Feriancová .

The tradition of chewing is still in the region today. Residents of several Myjavan hills have retained the precious technique of bobbin lace sticks according to various designs. Most of the women who are engaged in craftsmanship belong to the Brezová pod Bradlom Knitwear Club and the Regional Lacy Club in Krajné. A great part of the successful implementation of the lace's enrollment in the Representative List of Intangible Heritage of Slovakia belongs to the members of the mentioned clubs, which supported the project with invaluable experience and skills.

According to Marek Maďarić, Culture Minister of the Slovak Republic, cultivation of customs and traditions hides the character and identity of specific communities, regions and the whole of Slovakia. "If continuity persists, it sometimes takes centuries, so to highlight it, to highlight it. Enrollment in such a list basically concentrates public attention, encourages those who have learned it from their parents, old parents, and it is a prerequisite that they will be cultivated and performed in the future. It is a great wealth to be treated, " said the Hungarian.

A representative list of Slovakia's intangible cultural heritage is an inventory of important elements and practices of intangible cultural heritage of Slovakia. Enrolling in a representative list is an appreciation of these extraordinary elements, which are recognized by societies, communities and individuals, and are in accordance with the universally accepted principles of human rights, equality, support and mutual respect among cultural communities. The entry of the elements into the national list is a basic condition for applying for registration in the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Source: CTK Myjava

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