


Night of mysterious lights

09. 09. 2022 - 10. 09. 2022

Date nad time

Friday 09. September 2022 -
Saturday 10. September 2022
in Friday, Saturday


Beckov castle
Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov

Noc tajomných svetiel
Noc tajomných svetiel

Night of mysterious lights

An unconventional game night tour, during which even the bravest and most fearless visitors will freeze. Immerse yourself in the history of the castle estate and the stories of its ghosts - persecuted witches, Count Beňovský, the bagpiper's white lady, Lucifer or the lost souls of victims of wars and lordly cruelty.

The Beck mobs will lament their difficult fates, steal souls, frighten unsuspecting wanderers and burn witches. And they will also show you a spectacular fire show. The castle gates will remain open until the night, the individual events of the night tours only connect the elements and the castle - you will be able to see them in any order and calmly and repeatedly or simply spend the whole night in the castle with something tasty and refreshing from the castle buffet.

There will be four stands in the castle - Blood in the fire (lower courtyard), water (well), earth (second courtyard) and air (third courtyard) - where theatrical skits about the difficult fates of spirits connected to the Beckovský estate await you.

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Address Beckov 180
916 38 Beckov


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