The graphic exposition of monuments, which abound in the neighboring regions - Trenčín and East Moravia, has moved from Trenčín Castle to the premises of the Dubnice Museum in Dubnice nad Váhom. The regional tourism organization (KOCR) invites the Trenčín region to admire the natural beauties or cultural heritage from various parts of the Trenčín and Zlín regions.
The permanent exposition of the Dubnica Museum, which the visitor will find in one of the largest mansions in Slovakia, in Dubnice nad Váhom, has been expanded by a special exhibition. Banners depicting monumental buildings, national cultural monuments or magical works of nature, were created by joining the forces of tourism organizations on the Slovak and Czech side - KOCR Trenčín region and the Tourist Board of East Moravia. "12 graphic panels capture an example of the rich tourism base of the Trenčín and Zlín regions. The title of the exhibition "History that unites us" implies the goal of a joint effort: to connect tourist destinations and erase borders that should not stand in the way of exploration, "said the chairman of KOCR Trenčín region, Juraj Gerlici.
From the castle to the manor house
Just as aristocratic families moved from large cold castles to cozy and comfortable mansions, so the exhibition traveled in the same direction. "By placing the exposition in the Dubnický manor house, we have maintained a certain continuity and connected two mansions of the former Ilešházi family," said Pavol Štefčík, project manager of the Trenčín region regional tourism organization. The opening of the exhibition, which took place on Wednesday, October 23, 2019, was accompanied by tones of period music performed by the vocal group VOX. The tour of the exhibits was officially opened by the mayor of Dubnica nad Váhom, Peter Wolf: "I believe that the exhibition of people will excite and arouse interest in historical monuments either in our country or in our Czech neighbors."
It doesn't end with an exhibition
The director of the Dubnica Museum, Monika Schwandtnerová, praised the outputs of the international project Cultural and Historical Heritage as a basic attribute of national consciousness, from which the traveling exhibition arose . In addition to the exhibition, she also highlighted promotional materials that present cultural monuments in an engaging way, recommend tourists to combine individual destinations into comprehensive visitor circuits and, last but not least, provide useful information such as accessibility, opening hours and important contacts. The visitor will find these brochures in every information center of the district towns of the Trenčín Region and, of course, directly at the exhibition site, in the Dubnický manor house.
PŠ, Trenčín, 30.10.2019
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