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Night of castles and ruins in the Trenčín Region

On Saturday, August 19, 2017, the 6th annual Noc of Castles and Ruins will be held, organized by associations and volunteers saving the ruins of castles and cultural monuments in Slovakia. In the Trenčín region, for example, castles Lednice, Bystrica and Uhrovec were involved in this exceptional project.

The association of Castle Bystrica has traditionally been involved in this project and this year has prepared a rich program for visitors. Baroque music will be played in the castle, sokoliari and actors from the Trenčín Theater with the play Ženský zákon. Even this year, the organizers did not miss a night screening of the film and children's entertainment will take care of the Vlastivedné Museum from Považská Bystrica with creative workshops.

Castle Lednica this night will provide visitors with a unique sightseeing of castle ruins lit by facades, exhibition of old photographs, but also tasting of medieval cuisine or mead. Different games will be prepared for children and will culminate in the evening at 21.00 h with a magnificent medieval fire show.

Civic Association (UZ) Uhrovec Castle prepared an innovative presentation of the cultural heritage, which it will introduce through new technologies. "After sunset from 20.30 to 23.30 hrs, a multimedia installation will be prepared for the building of an economic building that will be completely renovated in the next three years. Castle Uhrovec Martin Varga .

Saving Castles Association, the author of this beautiful project, currently brings together 29 organizations from all over Slovakia. Rescuing and restoring the ruins of the castles and sacral sites so the organization ensures the preservation of our cultural heritage.

Photo by Milan Trpka

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