According to the latest statistics, Trenčiansky region is looking for more and more foreign tourists. In the first half of 2018, there were 51,810 foreign tourists, which is 2,343 more than in the first half of 2017. Foreign visitors planning their travel itineraries are looking for the necessary information about the destination in the online world as well as in print tourist guides. Bedekre contains clear and especially useful information about the destination in various language mutations, and they do not even have a map for better orientation. This type of tourist bed was also created by KOCR Trenčín region in cooperation with the publishing company The Slovak Spectator. The book guide has up to 110 pages, the text is written in both English and English and contains an overview of attractive tourist locations across the entire Trenčín region.
"The whole guide is based on Spectacular Slovakia, or the travel edition created by a modern international team - in this case, it was 10 people, including 2 Americans and 1 Brit. The guide is designed to look at individual tourist sites not only as tourist sites, but at places where people's stories are. You can find, for example, a guided story in the Spring Cave, a local enthusiast who cares for people to experience the specific atmosphere of this cave, "said Ján Pallo , director of the publishing company, The Slovak Spectator. The new tourist bed was put to life with mineral water from the Trenčín region. Tourists will be able to buy it at all major bookstores, as well as selling in tourist-information offices or directly at tourist attractions.
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