The Regional Committee of the SZPB in Trenčín operates the exposition of the Museum of the Jan Žižka Partisan Brigade in the leased premises of the former Zornica Vocational School in Bánovce n. B. on an area of 250 m2 since 2017. The exhibition introduces the anti-fascist resistance in the Strážovské vrchy area during the SNP. Despite the current unfavorable situation, SZPB members, mainly from Bánovce nad Bebravou, continued to acquire and supplement artifacts from the SNP period. We managed to obtain consent for the reproduction of paintings of scenes from partisan life, which were painted by the painter Ján Zeman in the building of the Jan Šverm Social House on Janek's Hill.
Complementing the images significantly improved the aesthetic impression when entering the exhibition. However, we consider it the greatest benefit that we managed to make a virtual tour of the museum with the help of the Bánov Regional Development Agency. Those interested can see this tour on the website of the town of Bánovce nad Bebravou .
In Trenčín 23.2.2021
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