The Trenčín County sets an example in building cycling infrastructure, and not only in Považí. The first section of the county's second supporting project, the Hornonitrian cycle highway, was handed over to the public for use, a cycle route that leads from Partizánske to the recreation area in Malé Bielice. It was handed over for use by a joint bicycle ride.
"Today we opened the first section of the almost 70 km long Hornonitrian cycle highway , which the Trenčín County wants to build with the help of European funds. This section is also financed from the Integrated Regional Operational Program. The more than 4.6 km cost approximately 1.5 million. EUR with VAT, which includes finances from European funds, the state budget and the budget of the Trenčia County," said TSK chairman Jaroslav Baška.
The construction of the cycle path took almost 2 months and was carried out by the company STRABAG, s.r.o. The project documentation with a building permit was provided to the county by the city of Partizánske. "The fact that Partizánske will be connected with Bojnice and Prievidza in a few years' time and on the other hand with Bošany and Topoľčany is good news for all those who like cycling, sports and exercise. A high added value is also that the city plans to complete the construction of other sections towards the industrial park in the Malá Bielice district," highlighted the vice-chairman of TSK and the mayor of Partizánske Jozef Božik. "Line constructions are really demanding, cooperation between cities, municipalities and counties is necessary, and this is a prime example of where this cooperation took place," said Martin Bezek, State Secretary of the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization. "What I would like to highlight is especially the ecological and safe form of transport for work and recreation, we connected housing with other functional use of the territory in the city of Partizánske," added the state secretary.
The cycle route is complemented by public lighting, 2 rest areas , before the cycle bridge over the Nitrica river and at the end of the section in Malé Bielice, and furniture . The footbridge was also renovated as part of the project. "We are going further with this cycle route, in October we want to sign a contract for the development of documentation for a zoning decision for a 12 km section from Partizánske to the border of the Nitra self-governing region, in the direction of Topoľčany. In the next few days, we will resubmit an application from the Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Slovak Republic for the section that goes from Partizánske towards the town of Nováky to the swimming pool in Chalmová, which is more than 10 km long. At the same time, engineering work is underway to obtain a zoning decision in the Nováky - Opatovce nad Nitrou section. And gradually we want to prepare zoning decisions and other building permits. The most difficult section will be the 21 km long section in the direction of Prievidza - Handlová, due to the property and legal settlement," informed the mayor. "The plans presented by the self-governing region are enormous. Such cycle routes will be created throughout the territory, we will definitely support it and I am looking forward to other projects," added the state secretary.
Source: Dept. communication and international relations TSK
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