Connecting route between Košariská and Priepasné. From the route there are several beautiful views of the Copan region.
Road cycling route
License plate number
4,9 km
Camber (climb/sinking)
142/153 m
Connecting route between Košariská and Priepasné. From the route there are several beautiful views of the Copan region.
There are several cycling routes in MR Štefánik's birthplace. Here is also the yellow route on a small square at the municipal office, opposite the church. There are also two blue cycling routes and no. 2202 and 2302. The yellow route leads along with route no. 2202 and behind the village turns towards the village of Priepasné and continues to rise. It is possible to stop in the hillside at a resting place with a nice view of the part of Košariská and the picturesque Kopanice region. There is also a huge wooden double cross. At the top of the climb, the blue route turns to the top of Bradla with Štefánikova mohyl, our yellow continues to Dlhý Vŕšok. Then the pleasant walk leads up to the village Priepasné, where the route ends at the intersection of cycling trails.
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