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Veľká Hradná



Summer camps in Patrovec Castle

In the summer camps from the workshop of OZ Preliezka, children become parkourists, zoologists, paddlers, young ladies, footballers or have fun in the camps Summer Ródeo , Smelí excursions , Playful animals , Action teenager , which are again organized this year in the Trenčín region.

In the camps, children develop their skills in a playful way and make new friendships. A comprehensive offer of summer camps is available on the dennetabory.sk portal where there is a wide selection of program camps for boys and girls aged 4 to 14, as well as an extended offer of camps marked MINI for children from 4 to 6 years.

The civic association Preliezka has been preparing summer day camps for 19 years. The best proof that they are doing well and with great heart are positive references from parents and their happy children who are returning to them. This experienced organizer did not want to disappoint this year either, so he flexibly adapted to the new conditions.

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913 24 Veľká Hradná


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