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TOP GASTRO 2020 has its winners

On November 1, 2020, the Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) of the Trenčín Region announced the fourth year of the popular competition for the best restaurant or café in the Trenčín Region in 2020. The whole public had the opportunity to nominate their favorite catering facility for 1 month. year to vote. From the total number of 3046 votes for 58 facilities, up to 452 votes belonged to the winner!

"We were very pleased with this year's interest in the TOP GASTRO equipment competition in the Trenčín Region 2020. It showed us that despite the fact that gastronomic establishments could not use their potential 100% in 2020, people still perceive their quality, effort and often creativity in coping with the difficult situation. The total number of votes was higher by more than 3 times compared to last year. We believe that this strong support from customers and lovers of quality food and refreshments has pleased all nominated facilities, "said Juraj Gerlici, Chairman of KOCR Trenčín Region.

Voting results and award ceremonies

From 1.12.2020 to 31.12.2020 there was an online voting on the website of the announcer of the competition: https://www.trencinregion.sk/07038/4-rocnik-sutaze-top-gastro . Out of the total number of 58 facilities , up to 3,046 voters voted for their favorite. The winner with the highest number of votes was the Street Food Kitchen restaurant from Handlová with a total number of votes of 452 . In second place was IVET Bistro from Trenčín with 167 votes and the three most successful are completed Restaurant Pod Babou from Omšenia with 159 votes.

It is interesting that the vote was exceptionally close this year, so every single vote weighed in and the exact order was not decided until midnight on the last day. In the end, only one single vote decided on the third and fourth place.

All those who took part in the voting and nomination of the facilities were included in the draw for a valuable package from the announcer of the competition. The winner will be contacted via the specified email. The winner of the TOP GASTRO facility of the Trenčín Region 2020 competition will receive the award at the ITF Slovakiatour International Tourism Fair on Thursday, May 13, 2021 in Bratislava .

Along with the TOP GASTRO award, the awards for 2020 for TOP accommodation facilities, tourism personalities, TOP innovations in tourism, TOP tourist product and facilities accessible to the severely disabled of the Trenčín Region will be solemnly announced and handed over, decided by an expert commission composed of representatives of regional tourism organizations.

In Trenčín on 4.1. 2021

Text: MT

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