Directly from the center of Dubnice nad Váhom you can go on an easy hike through Dubnický chotár. The approximately three-kilometer nature trail will tell you more about local personalities, the economy or natural conditions. It is designed for all ages, and a guide can also guide schoolchildren. Thanks to QR codes, they will learn more valuable information.
The nature trail has an elevation of 157 meters and consists of eight information boards with an educational character. They focus on a comprehensive knowledge of Dubnice nad Váhom and the surrounding countryside. At the same time, they serve as a teaching aid in outdoor teaching. “People use the nature trail in large, it has become very popular. We are also approached by primary and secondary schools, to whom we can provide an accompaniment with expert interpretation along the entire route, " said the author of the project, Adam Rehák, from the civic association Gray Wolf.
So far, schools from Dubnice nad Váhom and the surrounding area have shown particular interest. However, Adam Rehák says that schoolchildren from other parts of the Trenčín Region will also be happy to transfer Dubnické chotáry. "Of course, we will be happy if schools come from a greater distance and provide them with interesting information about our region," he added.
According to him, the big advantage is the fact that the educational boards are modern and at the same time innovative, because they also include QR codes. After filming, they will take you to the project's website, where you can go the whole route online, view the boards or listen to an audio commentary. "This is also a way to bring young people to nature trails and into nature and at the same time teach them something," Rehák stated. The nature trail crosses the town of Dubnica nad Váhom and ends in the Mezihorie locality, known as the "First Well".
photo: FB Gray Wolf, oz
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