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Mountain bikers in New Dubnica

The oldest endurance marathon of mountain bikes in Slovakia was held 22 times in Nova Dubnica and more than 500 cyclists took part in it.

Last August's Saturday in Nova Dubnica was the endurance race for mountain bikes. In the 22nd year of the Novodubnicky Marathon, he offered 5 cyclists to the cyclist And open championships of the Slovak Republic of field unicycles. Exactly 552 contestants have been divided into several competitive categories in the oldest and historically heaviest bike mogul. The most persistent ones have measured their strengths in the longest and most demanding KING (101 km) and HARD (73 km). Most participants have traditionally participated in the KLASIK track, which was 42 km this year. His representatives were also on the track with the Trenčiansky samosprávny kraj (TSK), who formed a three-member team consisting of TSK chairman Jaroslav Baška, TSK vice-chairman Richard Takac and TSK cyclocordner Radovan Hladký. For children and families with children, BASIC (17 km) and FAMILY (9 km) were prepared. Trails lead through meadows and forests in the vicinity of Nová Dubnice, Trenčianske Teplice, Petrova Lehota and Omšenie.

"The track was really challenging and nice, and I am glad that many cyclists took part in the Novodubsky Marathon," said the hat below the boys who competed in the toughest categories ", Jaroslav Baška said. The marathon organized by the MTB club Dubnica and Nová Dubnica took place with the financial support of the Trencin self-governing region.

The Regional Tourism Organization (KOCR) Trenčín presented its region's activities and support in the Trenčín region at its stand. Cyclists who have still left the energy could have been able to compete with cycling trainers, test their knowledge of the Trenčín region or study promotional materials including cycling maps.

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