The neighboring relations of municipalities near Trenčín are direct demonstrations. Microregion Machnáč-Inovec brings together ten municipalities that have decided to cooperate.
In the area of tourism, Trenčianske Teplice and the town of Trenčín, which is full of Trenčín history, compete, but people who are close enough to these villages are, for example, hiking.
Walking tourists and cyclists, chatters or lovers of local mineral water come to the beauties of Strážovské vrchy and Považský Inovec. More and more people are also interested in folk customs and traditions that have been maintained and enhanced by local people for many years.
Bobot, Dubodiel, Hornany, Motešice, Neporád, Petrova Lehota, Svinná, Trenčianske Jastrabie, Trenčianske Mitice and Veľká Hradná commenced in 2018 the tradition of joint celebrations. The dazzling of the best of what dozens of villages offer, the residents and visitors came to enjoy the first joint event, with the first host being the park in Hornany. The joint festival of the microregion took place on August 11 this year, when the community of communities was tentatively reached.
"The Association of Microregions Machnáč-Inovec was established in two stages. The first stage was the establishment of the Mikroregion Machnáč Association, which was founded in 2000 in Motešice. The founders were Motešice, Petrova Lehota, Bobot, Horňany, Neporadza and Svinná. In the second stage, in 2004, the microregion was expanded by four more municipalities and, therefore, the name change, "says Mrs. Svinná and the chairman of the association Anna Šýkorová. If the idea proves to be an interest, the festival should always go to another microregion village every year. In addition to cooking and tasting goulash, the chefs were mayors, visitors also enjoyed heligoners, harmonica, folklorists and country groupings. And it did not miss the alley of folk craftsmanship, in which it was "the most" of each of Machnac-Inovec Mikroregion.
photo: FB village Veľká Hradná
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