Uhrovské Podhradie



Day and night at Uhrovec Castle

23. 09. 2023

10:00 - 23:55

Date nad time

Saturday 23. September 2023
10:00 - 23:55


Uhrovec castle
Uhrovské Podhradie
956 41 Uhrovské Podhradie

Deň a noc na hrade Uhrovec
Deň a noc na hrade Uhrovec

Day and night at Uhrovec Castle

The Uhrovec Castle Civic Association invites you to spend a day and night at the Uhrovec Castle

During the day, a fencing tournament with sword and shield organized under the auspices of ŠHS Fratres Armati will take place at Uhrovec Castle, a demonstration of armor and equipment and a medieval field kitchen, where you will have the opportunity to "taste" ancient tastes. You will be able to test your eyesight while shooting archery at the castle shooting range under the bridge and enjoy delicacies from the castellan's castle kitchen.

With the arrival of the evening, the castle will be illuminated in an unusual way and you will have the opportunity to take guided night tours focused on the historical and architectural development of Uhrovec Castle accompanied by the castle ladies.

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Address Uhrovské Podhradie
956 41 Uhrovské Podhradie


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